When Cerna Labs first started, we only hoped to be able to provide the highest quality products to help the most people get access to the best supplements available. The outpouring of support and interest in our products amazed and delighted us. We found that people from all walks of life really loved and appreciated the care that we put into our products, and it thrilled us to receive such support and mutual respect from our customers. We always say that we want to treat our customers like royalty, and we strive to live up to that promise every day, in every way.

Our customer service team is always available via Toll-Free phone (see our Contact Page), and with extended hours and 7-days per week availability, we are easy to reach if you ever have a question or concern about your order. Our customer service team in Plattsburgh, NY loves to hear from our customers!

A huge THANK YOU to our customers for showing us such loyalty and support.

We currently offer many world-class products in the health and beauty marketplace, including: SilActiv, Kentucky River Hemp, Cardio Alpha 3, SilCare, EyePower-20.